Case Study LMS


Building a Learning Management System (LMS)

From one-person operations to full fledged startup teams, our range of solutions provide the best for your business.

Client’s Expectations

Orchard Rock requires a robust Learning Management System (LMS) to deliver online training courses, track user progress, and issue certificates. The system needed to be user-friendly, flexible, and scalable to handle a growing number of learners.

Egiz Solution Role and Services Provided

Egiz Solution was responsible for designing and developing an efficient LMS that could support multiple courses, a learner dashboard, and offer certifications. The goal was to integrate the platform with Orchard Rock's existing infrastructure while improving the user experience.

Overcoming Technical Complexity

Developing a scalable, interactive LMS presented challenges related to performance, scalability, and user experience. Netguru's team worked to optimize the LMS for high traffic while maintaining a seamless user interface and fast page load times.

Egiz Solution Step-by-Step Approach:

Platform Selection

WordPress was chosen due to its flexibility and the availability of plugins, making it suitable for an LMS.

Custom Development

Custom plugins and features were developed to track learner progress, administer quizzes, and issue certificates upon course completion.


Nginx and other performance optimization tools were implemented to ensure smooth operation with high traffic loads.

Interactive Frontend

Using Elementor and Bootstrap, the front end was built to be responsive and engaging for all types of devices.

Technologies Used:

Apache HTTP Server


The primary platform for building and managing the LMS.

Contact Form 7

Elementor (v3.24.3)

For a highly customizable, user-friendly design.

Font Awesome

To incorporate icons and enhance the visual design.

jQuery & jQuery Migrate

For dynamic web interactions and ensuring backward compatibility.


For database management, storing user data, course content, and progress.

PHP (v8.1.29)

The backend language powering the LMS system.


A lightbox plugin for media display.


To add customizable and touch-enabled sliders.

Underscore.js (v1.13.4)

For templating and utility functions.


For handling eCommerce functionality related to course purchases and subscriptions.

An Agile, Flexible, and Creative Collaboration

Collaboration between Orchard Rock and Egiz Solution was seamless and agile. Frequent communication ensured that all of the client’s requirements were addressed, and necessary adjustments were made quickly throughout the development process.

Results of the Collaboration

The Orchard Rock LMS successfully launched with a user-friendly interface, offering an efficient learning platform for users to access courses, track their progress, and receive certifications. The scalable and responsive design allowed for future growth, enabling Orchard Rock to expand its offerings.

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